"The government must commit to a policy that attracts investors rather than repels them.
This allows landlords to remain active in the rental market, rather than encouraging them to sell," continues Patrick Boterbergh, CEO of Korfine.
Numerous government measures have contributed to this. Between the winter moratorium, the tenant's right of preference, restrictions on rent indexation, and the abolition of the 6% VAT rate for developers' demolition/reconstruction projects, landlords and investors see no incentive to remain or become active in Brussels.
Trends by municipality at a glance
If we look at rents for flats in Brussels' communes (flats account for 90% of the rental market in the capital), we see that they all now have an average rent in excess of €900.
Only one commune in 3 still offers rental properties with an average price of less than €1,000.
The 4 most expensive districts remain Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (€1,413 for a flat), Uccle (€1,376), Ixelles (€1,351) and Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (€1,301).